Burton track rod adjusters and other things that fall off.
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Author:  Russell [ May 2nd, 2013, 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Burton track rod adjusters and other things that fall off.

Anybody else have trouble with these? I've had one gall up and seize onto the track rod end and now I've replaced it the one on there now will simply not stay tight, in that the left hand threaded locknut on the track rod end side repeatedly comes undone. I've used everything from 19mm spanners to big adjustables with a bar on them, I know I'm not exactly a beefcake but surely it should stay tight? When the locknut works its way loose you can feel a bit of play in the joint, which I guess isn't helping? Oh, and I've tightened it with the car at its actual ride height, hub sitting on a block of wood, wheel off etc. so I'm pretty sure it's centralised and not being forced round by the track rod end.

Also, what is the torque setting for front axle bolts? I've noticed more and more often when pulling away or reversing there's a cracking noise from the front axle. I tightened the bolts and within a week it's back, tightened them yesterday and the drive home was fine but when I popped out to buy garlic it was obvious it was doing it again. Sounds like the bolts are stretching, doesn't it? I'm wanging them up with a socket on a breaker bar, they do occasionally hit the ground but haven't the last couple of occasions it's happened.

Author:  Taskos [ May 14th, 2013, 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Burton track rod adjusters and other things that fall of

Hallo Russell,

About that craking noise.
I had the same one and I was about to tighten these bolts but after some lubrication of the suspension canisters and knifes it went away...
The torque setting for the crossmember bolts should be 5 kgm.

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