How to use the King pin tools.
This tool is so easy to use. It is very well made and long lasting. I have added a few ‘’tricks of the trade’’ to make it easier to change the king pin.
Open the folded over bottom cap. Clean the slot and gently tap the tool with a small hammer.
Push the drift up through the middle of the king pin to reach the top grease/dust cap. Use the big hammer to hammer out the cap. Cover the cap with a rag to prevent it hitting the roof.
Now is the time to grind away the folded over edges holding the grease/dust cap. Should be done before removing the bush.
Clean all metal chips away.
Place a firm stand underneath the swing arm. Remove the grease nipple first
Place the drift and hit it with a big hammer and I mean BIG. Shock technique is the best way of removing a stuck king pin. Do NOT use heat at all.
Time to place the hub upside down in the vice. Push the bottom push out away from the thread. Not through the thread, you may ruin it.
Top bush next
This can be a problem. The old king pin was not greased at all. Metal against metal and you get this groove.
File it flat, so the new shim is seated against a flat face
Push in the bottom bush first. Remember to grease it.
Needs to be just below the face to avoid contact with the shim.
Top bush. Use the alignment tool for the top bush. Without this tool the bush can tilt when pushed in.
Very important that the bush is correctly aligned. It must not have any contact with swing arm.
Photo upside down.
Test the postion of both bushes by sliding the new king pin up and down. No biting at all.
Use the old king pin to align the shims etc.
After the correct shims are fitted (max 0.4 mm play between the hub and swing arm, use feeler gauges)
Gently tap the old king pin in to the swing arm. King pin must NOT be distorted.
Place the new king pin correctly and use this drift to push it in. Hold the old king pin so it doesn’t fall out.
Don’t forget the firm stand to support the swing arm
Stop when the top of the king pin is aligned with the top of the bush
Place the new cap, flatten the cap using the old king pin
Fold over the edges to lock the cap
Fit the bottom cap, grease nipple and grease the new king pin.
Check that the top cap is not pushed out. Seal the top cap with grease to prevent water getting in.
Maybe a sticky if the lordship agree..