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 1965 2CV AZ 
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Firing on two.
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Post 1965 2CV AZ
Some months ago, I spotted a 1965 2CV AZ on the internet. It was advertised by a NL dealer in the middle of our country.
As I pointed it out to my brother, it seemed that he was interested too, so we both went to see the AZ . In the end we bought the car and now I am co-owner of a AZ plus a spare engine !
We want to restore it and make it roadworthy.
The colour is AC 118 ME , Gris Etna, where as the ME stands for Merville, the producer of the paint.
The engine is original, but someone took it out and put it in again without any care at all.
The engine is not stuck, but we will have to split it , because one of the cylinders is not getting any oil , so the seller told us. The extra engine is for spares for the original engine . Any way it is a new adventure and as my brother is a keen 2CV enthousiast himselve we will have a mutual hobby as to turn the ugly duck into a beautiful swan.
Some pics.

AR-53-92  .3.JPG
AR-53-92 .3.JPG [ 68.92 KiB | Viewed 125664 times ]

For some reason I can't get more pictures in my post .
But here it is !

'T is een kwestie van geduld.........

Ez a türelem kérdése.........

Last edited by Geert on August 24th, 2013, 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

August 24th, 2013, 4:10 pm
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ

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'T is een kwestie van geduld.........

Ez a türelem kérdése.........

August 24th, 2013, 4:39 pm
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
Nice find Geert, I know what you are doing this winter.......

Russell wrote:
Hi Geo,
you've been one of the sites biggest attractions in recent years.

August 24th, 2013, 4:57 pm
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
Leave the body as is, restore the chassis and running gear and above all else channel it like citroen intended!
Nice purchase.


samfieldhouse wrote:
It is M9 for the shocks yes, the rest I'll check when next i'm underneath her. Ironically, this will be valentines day.

August 25th, 2013, 3:21 am
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
Nice! If your van is anything to go by, that's going to be a great looking car when its finished.

samfieldhouse wrote:
What I like about I2F is that there is no pretence of democracy.

August 25th, 2013, 10:18 am
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
Finally we started to strip the AZ.
The body was , as expected ; Floor parts, sills,trunck-floor, the part over the hood hinge and the bulkhead are rusted with parts entirely rusted away .

We expected the chassis in pretty good condition, but it turned out to be worse than what we thought.
So the challange for restoration is bigger now.
People tell us to buy a new chassis, but we are determed to try and safe it. If failled, we will consider a new one .
For now it is savable in our oppinion , time will tell if it will .

DSCN5176 by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr
K 052 by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr
K 066 by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr
K 064 by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr

'T is een kwestie van geduld.........

Ez a türelem kérdése.........

December 7th, 2013, 10:11 am
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
It is a different kind of engeneering :

DSCN4957 by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr

'T is een kwestie van geduld.........

Ez a türelem kérdése.........

December 7th, 2013, 10:20 am
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Joined: December 6th, 2013, 9:55 pm
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
Beautifull AZ you got there :)
i will post my one soon,it's a 1966 2CV AZ

December 7th, 2013, 7:19 pm
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
Last weekend we dug in deeper into the chassis and found that it is savable.
After removing dirt , leaves , some slugs and one or two mouse-nests it did not look tooo bad .
KB (2) by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr
KB (4) by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr
KB (5) by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr
KB (6) by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr

I just wonder if this crossmember is available anywhere or if we have to make our own ? Janez?
BK (1) by citroen2cvaz2, on Flickr

'T is een kwestie van geduld.........

Ez a türelem kérdése.........

December 11th, 2013, 7:37 pm
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Post Re: 1965 2CV AZ
thats how mines gonna look in around a weeks time!, scary eh?

December 11th, 2013, 8:20 pm
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