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 Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself! 
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Joined: November 28th, 2008, 10:39 pm
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Post Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!

Welcome to the International 2CV Friends web forum. Please add a few words in here to introduce yourself to us all, who you are, and where you're from. Then also feel free to tell us about your A-series Citroens in the 'Your A-series' thread, here you can document your project cars or restorations as they develop, tell the story of your A-series Citroen, or just a to post some pictures and tell us how you came to own it!

Please try to keep to English language, if necessary use a translator like Babelfish or similar, we will try to help you with the language barrier if your English is not good though.

Please try to keep your posts friendly, if you have issue with another member or a 2CV business DO NOT make it public via this forum, use the PM feature for this sort of thing. Try to keep the atmosphere as if you were at a 2CV meeting, friendly and relaxed!

Thanks for joining, if you have any ideas for new sections of the Forum, do share them with us.

Please tell your friends about the site!

Thanks again, and welcome.

The Admin team.


December 8th, 2008, 8:39 pm
2CV Fan

Joined: December 12th, 2008, 2:03 am
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
Hi there.. Tree Sadler here.. l have a beachcomber.. that is going to become a white ripple bonnet as soon as l have some pennies to don so.. My long suffering mate Geoff Archer is helping, he rebuilt my beachy with me and is at present helping me mend Adams car- l love king .... Adam hit ice and then hit a bollard or 2!, knackered the arms and track rods,one wheel rim, cowling and fan(thanks for the replacements Russ).. oh and bonnet.. and bummper.. both of which will be reshaped with a 7lb lump .. Amber is trying to get her hands on a 2cv.. more info when its in our sticky mitts!

Adam and Amber are my kids..

Hope we can have fun here... cya soon.. next field is?


December 12th, 2008, 2:17 am
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
Hiya, bon jour, kalimera

I'm Becks Mackett, and I'm married to an Old Goat...

Batween us we have two 2CVs, a Plums'n'Custard D*lly called Delilah - mine all mine! :oops: She is looked after by the Old Goat, when he is not tinkering with his car.

His car is an ex-grey/grey Charleston, which used to have pink flames on the bonnet, but is now showing off a lush lime green and black hand rollered paintjob, with a bright yellow roof, and fake goat fur trim. Nice! :twisted:

We hope to drive our deuches to our house in Greece in the future, if we don't completely run out of cash - eeek!

Otherwise, we'll catch up with you during the forthcoming long hot summer.


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December 23rd, 2008, 12:26 am
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
Hello Becks (& Goat), nice to see you here! ;)


December 23rd, 2008, 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
I am BrianDamaged...I come in peace from where I am also known as BrianDamaged, and post far too much.

As yet I do not own an A-Series, but I will, at some stage in 2009....God (and Mervyn King) willing.

I am married to a wonderful woman who views my obsession with all things automotive with a mixture of bemusement and resignation, bless her.

I also enjoy music, writing, drinking, falling over (those last two are related) and photography.

:ugeek: :mrgreen:

December 23rd, 2008, 8:52 pm
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
Welcome Becky and Brian!

Good to have you both here, we realise the site is a little bare at the moment but please bear in mind we are very much in our infancy and the more you all post the bigger we will become! We are trying to attract members worldwide, as there doesn't seem to be a truly international 2CV web forum for all 2cvers, so by all means spread the word, especially amongst your foriegn 2cv owning friends!


December 23rd, 2008, 8:58 pm
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
Neil wrote:
Hello Becks (& Goat), nice to see you here! ;)

Thanks Neil - Glad to find that you hadn't fallen into some intergalactic black hole... ;)


Do I come here often?

December 23rd, 2008, 9:00 pm
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
beckymosaic wrote:
Neil wrote:
Hello Becks (& Goat), nice to see you here! ;)

Thanks Neil - Glad to find that you hadn't fallen into some intergalactic black hole... ;)


:lol: :lol:

Evening, Bri - good to have you on board! 8-)


December 23rd, 2008, 9:52 pm
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Goat lover

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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
Neil wrote:
beckymosaic wrote:
Neil wrote:
Hello Becks (& Goat), nice to see you here! ;)

Thanks Neil - Glad to find that you hadn't fallen into some intergalactic black hole... ;)


:lol: :lol:

Evening, Bri - good to have you on board! 8-)

/\/\/\/\/\ U bin at the gin again, Neil? I'm not Bri... :roll:


Do I come here often?

December 23rd, 2008, 10:19 pm
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Post Re: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue. Introduce yourself!
No gin for me becks - i don't drink on a skool nite!

I tried to respond to two people with one reply, guess it kinda backfired. I find a lot of posts i make tend to do that! :lol:


December 23rd, 2008, 10:26 pm
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