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 behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane 
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Post behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
hi all long time ago but oke life goos on right .
i have a question .
yes that's where a forum is for right .
most of the time i have a mini caravan with me and loth's of load and 4 people in the car .
here i drive alone
wath happen then yes the car from behind hanging A LOT down allmost on the rubber .
specialy when you come on roundabout's our hi speed bumps.
this problem i like to solve , but not like i do before there i was bloking the spring like we do long time ago on race car's (spa-franco24) welding a tube in the spring so he blok 1/2 of the suspension spring .
so some one told me to stand on the back of he's 2cv .
this was good the car move with 2 people on the rear bumper about 5 our 10cm down and stil was hard en work normale .
he say oke i have the 4x4 but the suspension is still normal the only thing the do was welding the plate's from a acadiane on the arms from the normal arm's .
the's plate's are where the shok's and suspension bar's are sithing on if you no wath i mean .

so more people no this ?
and i like to have some pic's before i start to cutting and welding on the arm's in the wild .
if some on can help me
please send our post some pic's please .
thankx 2cv bro's
sorry for the bad wrighting


Last edited by joe_catchou on June 19th, 2013, 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

May 23rd, 2013, 9:00 pm
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
sorry some Dutch here....

Voor Waggel is Mark 4x4 nog bij mij geweest en heeft een 1-2-spark versie 2 gekregen..
Wat ik me kan voorstellen is dat je de afstand groter maakt van het hart van de as tot aan waar je kantelmes zit. Hierdoor is de kracht van de veer groter en veert de wagen niet zo diep in.... Ik hoop dat je me begrijpt... kracht = arm x massa, hoe groter de arm hoe kleiner de kracht van de veer die nodig is om de wagen hoog te houden..... of hoe meer gewicht je kunt laden.....
Natuurlijk moet je de arm ook niet te groot maken omdat anders de trekstang in de buis gaat aanlopen, let daar dus voor op...

Russell wrote:
Hi Geo,
you've been one of the sites biggest attractions in recent years.

May 23rd, 2013, 11:34 pm
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
Alternatively... ;) ... p-181.html


As lpgo says, be (very) careful if you're thinking of increasing the offset of the knife edge from the centreline of the rear axle.
On a 4x4 I used to look after, I found tie rods reduced to barely half their original thickness where they had been 'sawing' against the inner face of the suspension canister end fittings.

I did a similar modification a long tme back when working with the dread plastic vans, using standard springs but moving the hangers on the rear arms downwards, however the chassis were purpose built with the rear carrier tubes lowered.
That's one of the most significant structural differences between an Ami chassis and a 350/400 chassis, btw, often ignored by those who think that these chassis are interchangeable. :roll:



May 24th, 2013, 12:36 am
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
So if i am correct then de eye for the knife standing more to the behind becors of the plate's from the acadiane .
so the car be come's more upper standing .
Why : becorse the knife's standing more to the behind withthe aca plate's.
And then the spring is standing allready under more presure so if you have some movement then the spring is allso on the end and is harder.
But becors of the longer plates of the aca ,the arm not go upper (in to the car) so mutsh and the car still stay more upper standing on the wheels then as a normal 2cv who is standard ,they lay down on he's belly .
understand who want to understand it ;-)
Wath is good for me wath i wanth to have .
But it is not so good for ... the a)- knife's ? correct
b)- the bar's wath pulling the springs together ? correct
c)- rubbing in to the channels where they move in ?
d) - the disc's where the pulling bast hanging on ?
this is a lithle idea wath i see wath can go wrong if i do this modification .
true ???
wath i not understand then is why example like mark who have this modification when you go offroad that it working well with him and have mutsh more movement's with the car a specialy when you do the offroad the arm move's like hell in the field ??
help me with this kind of thingking about it .??


May 24th, 2013, 8:47 pm
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
For the knives it doesn't matter. I'm afraid you still don't really understand.
I'll try to give some examples
Lets say the unloaded weight of a 2cv at the back is 200 kg, so 1 wheel has to carry 100 kg
If the little arm on your suspension arm would be the same lenght as the suspensionarm the spring would only have to 'pull' 100 kg
If you would make it half the size the spring would have to pull 200kg
So the further from the center of your axle the connection of your suspentionrod is the less power the spring needs.

In verry simple words bring the connectionpoint of your suspentionrod down! The spring needs to be less strong to hold the same weight, or can handle more weight.

I hope you understand, trying to write an understandable story on my phone :)


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May 30th, 2013, 5:02 pm
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
Rusty wrote:
For the knives it doesn't matter. I'm afraid you still don't really understand.
I'll try to give some examples
Lets say the unloaded weight of a 2cv at the back is 200 kg, so 1 wheel has to carry 100 kg
If the little arm on your suspension arm would be the same lenght as the suspensionarm the spring would only have to 'pull' 100 kg
If you would make it half the size the spring would have to pull 200kg
So the further from the center of your axle the connection of your suspentionrod is the less power the spring needs.

In verry simple words bring the connectionpoint of your suspentionrod down! The spring needs to be less strong to hold the same weight, or can handle more weight.

I hope you understand, trying to write an understandable story on my phone :)


I agree but one should remember not just to make them longer you should move the knivedge futher back and down so that the tierods won't come in touch with the spring atttachment.
you shoul either make a presize draving, for exambel using a computer where you can move things arround or just make more drawings for different ride levels. You can also make a mock up on a chassis to check it up in reality before the final welding.
I have used this for at handfull of cars for many years.

Best regards,

June 3rd, 2013, 7:27 am
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
@ hildebrandt, could you make a picture or drawing of your conversion? I don't really understand why it is necessary to bring the knife edge further back, what advantage would this give?



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June 3rd, 2013, 8:28 am
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
yes and send it our post it please


June 3rd, 2013, 10:51 pm
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
I will do that, together with an explanation but I am quite busy so it may take a couple of days,

Best regards,

June 4th, 2013, 7:13 am
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Post Re: behind wheel arm's with plate's of acadiane
no problem if you drive a 2cv you geth us to that it take a wile.


June 4th, 2013, 9:01 pm
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